Saturday, 7 April 2012

Much Ado About Fish

     Bonjour. Yesterday I went to The Deep Aquarium in Hull and it was quite exciting as I creased at every living thing I I thought I'd write a blog about it.

     Firstly, I CREASE at fish and other sea creatures. I howl in laughter at them. They just swim around doing nothing but look moody. Here is an example of a moody fish.

     Some of these fish were unbelievably moody. Especially the Grouper fish! That was one arsy fish! Also what makes me crease about fish is the fact that they can't change their facial expression. With a dog you know if its happy or sad, and you could tell the emotional state of a duck I reckon with great concentration on the matter. HOWEVER, you cannot tell the emotional state of a fish. They are like zombies. Back to the Grouper fish. It is unnecessarily large. There is no need for a fish to exist at a scale of which it does. Here is a photo of a Grouper Fish. Hopefully you can see the size of it and crease.

     Another fish that made me absolutely howl in laughter at the state of its existence was the Sword Fish! There is no need for that ridiculous snout! No need! Evolution has gone wrong here. How can millions of years of environmental adaptation lead to that! Does it slash things with it's beak? It has no need for it. In the human world, it would be bullied and mocked. Here is a picture of a Sword Fish.

     I managed to take a picture of a hilarious little eel thing that plants itself in the ground and looks at you. My initial thoughts were there is no need for the existence of that seathing. But on second thought, I reckon its hilariousness is the reason for its existence. Here is the photo I took.

     Have a good day! Signing out: Orbital Newt, TJReily. Here are some Moon Jellyfish I took a photo of, there is no need for their existence too.

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